The Word Café

About Word Café

The Word Café is a laid-back environment where the Truth of the Word is taught as we fellowship in an intimate bistro type setting. Outside of the demands of our routine Christian services, The Word is presentenced and then discussed casually bringing practicality walking out our relationship with Christ.

Conference Location

Global Impact Training Center
Orlando, FL Campus

Address: 4075 LB McLeod Road, Suite G, Orlando, Florida 32811
Phone: 407-745-5535

For your safety as well as those who will be attending conference with you, masks are required during you visit to our Training Centers.

Host Hotel

Wingate By Wyndham Convention Center, Closest To Universal Orlando

Rate: $00 nightly

Address: 5661 Windover Drive, Orlando, Florida 32819
Phone: 407-226-0900
Website: (for hotel information only)
Reservations deadline: April 23, 2022

To call and reserve your room at the group rate, call 407-226-0900 and ask for the Global Impact group block.

Please be advised: In response to the hotel industry recovering from COVID-19 room blocks can be held for a minimum number of days. It is imperative to reserve your room no later than April 23 to secure your accommodations.  PLEASE DON’T DELAY IN MAKING YOUR RESERVATIONS!!!
